Help for the Search Committee

The Search Committee is excited to be welcoming four pre-candidates to the North Country for weekend-long interviews and information sharing in February and March. They could use our help with a couple meals – Friday dinner and Saturday lunch – for each weekend.

Carol Pynchon is coordinating the meals and will make arrangements to have them delivered. If you can contribute to one or more meals, please contact Carol (contact information in church directory or from the office). She will have complete information about dates and dietary restrictions.

A huge thanks from the Search Committee members to all of you who are able to help!

2 thoughts on “Help for the Search Committee

  1. A big thanks in advance to anyone able to help with this. Our UU Canton congregation has been supportive in all of our efforts – you’re all very much appreciated! Special thanks go to Carol Pynchon for organizing the meals.

    1. Carol Pynchon says:

      There is still time to sign up to help! Let me know if you’re interested. ~Carol

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