This Sunday, January 24, we begin a new series of adult discussions; this week’s topic will be Immigrants and Refugees: Is There a Difference? We will explore the responses of our government and individuals to the growing migrations across the globe, and learning more about UUSC’s Guest at Your Table program.
These before-church discussions about different subject matter will continue on the second and fourth Sundays of each month from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Childcare will be available. We expect a variety of interesting topics to be on offer each time we meet, coordinated by the planning group composed of representatives from the Religious Education, Social Action, Environmental Action, Welcoming, and Library Committees. Suggestions from the congregation for topics are welcome.
This program will continue through the end of May on different topics, so mark your calendars and join us for coffee, conversation, and at times, differing opinions!