In RE This Sunday 1.3.16

This Sunday our children and youth will be focusing on our third principle, yearn to learn, learning about memorial rituals, reflecting on power, learning about the world’s 5th largest religion and planning a worship service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Sally Hoose.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Janet Green and Kevin Ball.

Spirit Play will hear “The Rooster Who Learned to Crow”, a story focusing on our third principle, yearn to learn.

Teachers: Todd Moe, Bonnie Danis

Signs of Our Faith will be learning how religions and cultures honor death and the memorial rituals of Unitarian Universalism.  Details about this session

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker, Kathy Wyckoff

Toolbox of Faith will be reflecting on the power each of us has to work for good in the world. The tool for this week is the hammer.  Details about this session

Teachers: Sally Hoose, Ruth Baltus

Building Bridges will be introduces to Buddhism, an ancient faith, the 5th largest religion in the world and founded on rational principles rather than faith.  Details about this session

Teachers: Relani Prudhomme, Will Siegfried

Youth Group will be planning their sleepover and upcoming service.

Advisors: Julie VanDuyne, Carol Zimmerman