Holiday Services at the UU

The church’s annual holiday pageant will take place on Sunday, December 18, during the 10:30 a.m. service. This year we will be sharing the story of “The Christmas Menorahs,” based on events that happened in Billings, Montana, in the winter of 1993.

On Wednesday, December 21, at 6 p.m., join a celebration of the Solstice, which marks the rebirth of the sun and beginning of winter, and Yule, one of the oldest winter celebrations known. We’ll share comfort food and winter-related readings and poetry on the longest night and shortest day of the year!

A Christmas Eve Candlelight service will take place on Saturday, December 24, at 7 pm. The service will include readings, stories, candles, and music.

On Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, during the 10:30 a.m. service, James’ will pose the question “UUs Celebrate Christmas?” Unitarian Universalism has historic roots in Christianity, yet we are quick to say we are not Christian. Perhaps because most UUs do not consider Jesus to be the Messiah. However, living in a Christian culture it is almost impossible to not celebrate Christmas in some way, shape, or form. This Christmas Day let’s celebrate how Unitarians and Universalists helped make it into the family holiday it is now.