In RE This Sunday 12.13.15

This Sunday our children and youth will be hearing about snowflakes, sharing and sorting gifts for the Church and Community Giving Tree Program, considering nobility and justice, learning about Hinduism and planning for a worship service.

RE Ambassador: Will Rivers

Nursery: Arthur Freeheart, Brook Stevenson

Spirit Play will hear “Weight of a Snowflake,” a story to support our first principle – respect all beings.

Teachers: Ron Tavernier, Jeff Rousell

Signs of Our Faith will be continuing to learn about sharing by bringing gifts for the Church and Community Programs Giving Tree Program and sorting stock stuffer gifts. Details about this session

Teachers: Leo Burger, Jim Rudd

Toolbox of Faith will be considering nobility as well as the difficulties of seeking justice. The tool for this week is a flashlight. Details about this session

Teachers: Heather Rousell, Carol Pynchon

Building Bridges will be introduced to Hinduism, an ancient faith birthed in India in a time beyond memory and still practiced by more than 900 million people around the globe. Details about this session

Teachers: Janet McFarland, Geetika Narula

Youth Group will be discussing which Youth Con they will be attending this year as well as starting to plan for the February 28th service.

Advisors: Richard Cook, David Bradford