In RE This Sunday ~ 11-22-15

This Sunday our children and youth will be introduced to puppet theater, attending the worship service, considering the tool of reflection in our faith, continuing to learn about the first Abrahamic tradition and creating prayer flags.

RE Ambassador: Wil Rivers

Nursery: Linda Kenny, Brook Stevenson

Spirit Play will having a puppet theater. They will be wondering about what it is like to be in community and reviewing our 7 principles.

Teachers: Ron Tavernier, Jeff Rousell

Signs of Our Faith will be participating in and attending the worship service this week. Children will have an opportunity to share in the lighting of the chalice and will be asked to complete a small worksheet while attending the service.

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker, Wil Rivers

Toolbox of Faith will explore physical reflection and consider the tool of reflection in our faith. The tool for this week is a mirror.  Details about this session

Teachers: Heather Rousell, Pete Wyckoff

Building Bridges will continue to explore Judaism. They will have a guest speaker and hear the story of Moses.  Details about this session

Teachers: Janet McFarland, Pat Glover

Youth Group will be sharing their favorite music and working in pairs to create prayer flags for their room.

Teachers: Wendy Bachhuber, Richard Cook