In RE This Sunday ~ 11-15-15

This Sunday we will be identifying ways we care for others,  reflecting on flexibility and open mindedness, learning about the birth of the Abrahamic tradition and sharing our favorite music.

RE Ambassador: David Bradford

Nursery: Kevin Ball, Katie Boczarski

Spirit Play will having a work day. Children will have an opportunity to choose their favorite story, read or paint.

Teachers: Evelyn Barton, Jeff Rousell

Signs of Our Faith will be identifying ways in which we care for others in our families, at school, in the congregation and in the wider world. They will learn about the common ritual of sharing joys and concerns.

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker, Becky VanDeWater

Details about this session


Toolbox of Faith will reflect on the value and qualities of developing an open mind and flexible faith. They tool for this week is duct tape.

Teachers: Heather Rousell, Ruth Baltus

Details about this session


Building Bridges will be introduced to Judaism, the first Abrahamic religion that birthed both Christianity and Islam.

Teachers: Janet McFarland, Pat Glover

Details about this session


Youth Group will be creating community by sharing their favorite music.

Teachers: Wendy Bachhuber, Richard Cook