In RE This Sunday – 11-8-15

Volunteers and lesson plans for this Sunday.

RE Ambassador: Maria Dickinson

Nursery: Arthur Freeheart, Jean Williams-Bergen

Spirit Play will be hearing the story “The Paper Bag Princess,” a story that connects to our violet principle of valuing the connection in all creation.
Teachers: Ron Tavernier, Jeff Rousell

Signs of Our Faith will be looking at the traditions and rituals to welcome new life into families and faith communities, like child dedications.
Teachers: Jenn Whittaker, Jim Rudd
Details about this session

Toolbox of Faith will reflect on a variety of decision-making processes, including voting and consensus making. Reflections may include whether “majority rule” is fair.
Teachers: Maria Dickinson, Pete Wyckoff
Details about this session 

Building Bridges will be introduces to Taoism, an Eastern faith more than 2,500 years old.
Teachers: Janet McFarland, Pat Glover
Details about this session 

Youth Group will be going on a hike, leaving church right at 10:30 a.m. and returning at 12:30 p.m. They will have a choice of Stone Valley or Indian Creek Nature Center.
Teachers: Dwight Stevenson, Richard Cook