Religious Education 3.9.25

For the month of March, our religious education classes will be exploring our shared value of Pluralism. We are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology.

This Sunday, March 9, our nursery, for infants to 3 years, will be open and staffed. In Spirit Play, for 4 years to 1st grade, we will hear the story “House of God.” In Lego ValUUes, for 2nd-4th grade, we will explore the idea that there are many ways to connect with the divine or sacred, and there is no one right way to be religious or spiritual. In MakerSpace, for 5th-7th grade, we will learn about the spiritual tool of labyrinths and make a finger labyrinth. In Youth Group, for 8th-12th grade, we will explore personal beliefs through reviewing beliefs of different religions.