Sunday Worship 2.11.24

Immersed in Wonder
Aileen O’Donoghue, Pulpit Guest

In my work as both a research astronomer and a teacher, I spend every day exploring the wonders of our universe.  From engaging my students in the appearance, motions, and origins of the Sun, Moon, stars, and our beautiful Earth to observing the glow of galaxies hundreds of millions of light years away, every day I get to be amazed.  The very existence of the universe and of our ability to perceive and analyze it fills me with an awe that makes my spirit soar.  I will share some of my awe and invite everyone to soar with me.

Aileen is a research astronomer specializing in radio frequency observations of galaxies.  She has used the Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico, the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico, and the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia.  She has taught physics and astronomy at St. Lawrence University since 1988.

Order of Service


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Social Hour Hosts:

  • Laura Foster
  • Maria Dickinson
  • Walt Conley


  • Erika Barthelmess & Natalie Panshin
  • Peter Brouwer

Sunday worship is being offered in dual platform, taking place in person and via Zoom this Sunday. Instructions to participate via Zoom can be found here.