Communications and Decision Making

Communications Overview

Church Council is working to address a variety of different ideas and topics that came up during the Canvass Conversations this fall. One of the first projects they tackled was to clarify our methods of communication and create a guide that’s easy to follow and clearly directs people to the right contact person based on their question or concern. Here is that new document, which can help you

  • Know who the key contacts are in the church
  • Know how decisions are made in the church
  • Know who to reach out to if you have conflicts with others at the church

Chat with Council

On Sunday, February 25th, a Chat with Council will be held at 11:45 a.m. in the Romer Room and through Zoom. This will be an informal conversation about this newly created document and other topics addressed during the canvass – along with anything else members and friends wish to discuss.

Please join us!

Question: Who do I contact with a question, problem, or idea related to the church? Answer: Here is contact information for key staff and volunteers. They can either help you directly or point you in the right direction.  They will welcome hearing from you.

  • Sara Trimm, Congregational Administrator/Church Office:; 315-386-2498
  • Rev. James Galasinski, Minister:; 315-386-2498
  • Carol Zimmerman, Director of Religious Education:; 315-386-2498
  • Jon Montan, Church Council President:; 315-386-2498 or via the church directory.
  • Committee, team, and group chairs/facilitators: Click here or call the office for contact information.

Question: How are decisions made in our congregation?

Answer: Many decision making processes are rooted in our bylaws. These are available at here or by contacting the church office. Some of these are regarding: 


A Ministerial Search Committee selects the Minister and the Congregation votes to call the minister with an affirmative vote. Church Council is the Minister’s direct supervisor and conducts the Minister’s annual evaluation.


The Minister is the chief of staff and conducts staff evaluations; this authority was delegated by Council. The Minister works in consultation with the Personnel Committee on personnel policies and procedures. Communications between staff, supervisor, and Council in executive session remain confidential. 

Lay Leadership:

The Nominating Committee recruits and nominates Council trustees and officers to be voted upon by the Congregation at its Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee Chair is elected at the Annual Meeting. All other committees and groups designate their own chair or facilitator.

Question: What do I do if I have a conflict with another member of our church community?

Answer: In a congregation, interpersonal concerns and conflicts may naturally arise. We strive to live our Unitarian Universalist values and support one another to embody our principles.

If a congregant is in conflict or has a concern with another congregant or a staff person, direct communication is encouraged. 

If direct communication has been attempted and no resolution found, or is determined to be unsafe, here are options. If a concern or conflict arises with: Another congregant, communicate with the Minister; a member of Church Council, communicate with the Minister; a staff member, communicate with the Minister; the Minister, communicate with the President or another member of Church Council.