SASO January 2024

Our January Social Action Shared Offering (SASO) will recognize two important facilities which have benefited many in the North Country and specifically in our faith community. Hope Lodge (in Burlington, Vermont) and Sarah’s Guest House (in Syracuse) provide housing and other essential services to people diagnosed with cancer: people who have to travel far from home to receive treatment, people facing long stays in unfamiliar cities, people already dealing with high medical expenses. Hope Lodge in Burlington is one of many such places supported by the American Cancer Society. Sarah’s Guest House similarly offers comfortable rooms, supportive surroundings and meals for a modest cost to those with cancer or with other medical illnesses. Those who have needed to travel to Upstate Medical or Vermont Medical Center and have used these places will vouch for how important they are.

In conjunction with this SASO, Faith in Action is doing an informal poll; if you yourself or if someone you know has stayed at either place, recently or in the past, please email or speak to Pat Alden with that information. We’ll see how many in our community have been helped by these facilities; feel free to add a comment, if you wish.

The SASO will be collected on Sunday, January 21, so please reply quickly.

A further note: Sarah’s Guest House has a Memorial Wall with small plaques for those who have benefitted from this service.  The plaque is part of a $500 donation in the person’s name.  We aspire to remember Eileen Raymond in this way.