Annual Church Picnic 2023

Join us for our annual church picnic on June 11 at the Bend-in-the-River Park Picnic Shelter located at 90 Lincoln Street in Canton. We’ll ring in a fresh new season from 12:00 to 2:00p.m. 

Here’s how it works: The church will provide grilled meat and veggie burgers and drinks too. Bring your favorite potluck salad or dessert to share. (As a safety precaution, designated servers will dish out the foods you bring.) If your last name starts with the letters A-M, you’re invited to bring a salad or side dish to pass around. If your last name starts with the letters N-Z, please bring a dessert instead. 

If you’d like to help out on the grill that day, or to help with other picnic tasks can contact Jenn Whittaker at

Please bring your own silverware, plates, and cups. In case you forget, we’ll have paper plates and plastic utensils on hand.

There will be outdoor games provided and restrooms are available on site.

PLUS: We’ll be drawing the prizes for our envelope challenge and introducing a fun new initiative, too.

We can’t wait to see you there!