Sunday Worship 3.19.23

Doing Interdependence
The Rev. Joe Cleveland, Pulpit Guest

We live in an interconnected, interdependent world. Our lives and our living participates in all life. Interdependence is a fundamental characteristic of life. But it’s not a static state. The web of life is constantly being woven. So, what does it mean to do interdependence?

The Rev. Joe Cleveland has been serving UU Congregation of Saratoga Springs since 2014. Before Saratoga Springs, Rev. Joe served as Interim Minister in the Fellowship of Central Michigan. Rev. Joe is a graduate of Andover Newton Theological School. 

Joe plays banjo and guitar and enjoys using music to explore life’s questions and to create a deeper sense of community. He lives in Wilton with his wife Kristin and two cats.

Order of Service


Zoom Link

Our Social Hour Hosts this Sunday are:

  • Sara Hutcheson
  • Duncan & Lois Cutter
  • Cynthia Zebedee
  • Jon Rosales & Matilda Larson

Our Greeters this Sunday are:

  • Gary & Sally Hoose
  • Mary Michalek
  • Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel & Ryan Hicks

Sunday worship is being offered in dual platform, taking place in person and via Zoom this Sunday. Instructions to participate via Zoom can be found here. Read our Covid Safety Plan here.