Sunday Worship 2.12.23

Swami Vivekananda and Universalism
The Rev. James Galasinski

A young philosopher and religious teacher from India came to the U.S. He taught that everything is a unity and spoke with clarity, power, and authority. Many Universalists embraced him.

Order of Service


Zoom Link

Our Social Hour Hosts this Sunday are:

  • Sheila Cerwonka
  • Jean Williams-Bergen
  • Ron & Katie Boczarski

Our Greeters this Sunday are:

  • Jim Williams & Donna Dilworth
  • Mark Sturges
  • Sue Hayden
  • Maggie Hockett

Sunday worship is being offered in dual platform, taking place in person and via Zoom this Sunday. Instructions to participate via Zoom can be found here. Read our Covid Safety Plan here.