2023 Canvass

Over the last several, difficult pandemic years, the work of the church proceeded – we had virtual worship, online programs were planned, RE materials were delivered and beloved lives celebrated. But our financial support did not keep up. Last year far fewer “units” pledged in our annual canvass; we saw a decline from 141 giving units to just 107. And we didn’t meet our budget goal. Learn more about historical giving patterns.

We hope this is another area where we are all “coming back” – it has to be. Our church can’t keep the doors open, staff paid, and programming strong without everyone’s help. We hope you’ll join us!

If you haven’t done so yet, please make your pledge online here.

Once pledged, there are several options for paying your pledge.

Carol Pynchon shares some reflections on why the church matters to her and her family and why they choose to pledge generously to our annual canvass.