Help Us Greet in the New Year

2022 is upon us! Help us keep our sanctuary welcoming and safe during worship. If you are comfortable attending in person, sign up to be a greeter! It’s easy to do and you can sign up for any specific Sunday that works for your schedule.

As an usher, we ask that you:
-arrive early (just after 10 a.m.)
-wear your nametag
-station yourself at the Social Room door or the front door
-check the vaccination list or verify proof of vaccination if they are not on the list (and add their name)
-hand out the OOS (if there is one)
-collect the offering, then transfer that to the office after worship
-count attendance and record it in the small green book
-chat with folks you don’t know and make introductions when possible

We deeply appreciate your help on any Sunday you are available.

Click here to sign up online. Thank you!