Annual Pledge Appeal

“TOGETHER WE WILL find ways to safely gather, adapt religious education to support and enrich our children, and demonstrate the extraordinary spirit of generosity that has characterized the past year.”

The Stewardship Committee has launched the annual appeal for your financial support of our church community.

Things are different this year. We aren’t all together in the sanctuary, listening to “journeys to commitment,” raising balloons and streamers to mark the launch, and lunching together to celebrate…being together.

Instead you received a letter in the mail describing all the ways TOGETHER WE WILL keep our relationships and church strong.And asking your help to make it be so.

Please take a moment to read our appeal. If you’ve lost track of it or didn’t receive it in the mail, click on the box below to download your copy.

Then consider how you can help ensure our church is here for all of us –for all the days

Make your pledge here


Stewardship Committee: Steve Coffin, chair; Peter Beekman,

Denny Morreale, Tim Opdyke, Carol Pynchon