The Path Toward Reopening June 2021

We are delighted to share plans with you for gradually returning to worship and opening up for activity at church!

After considering feedback from the listening session, the reopening survey, and recommendations from the UUA and New York State, the Reopening Task Force created a transition plan, which was approved by Church Council on June 2, 2021.  Drumroll please…! Beginning Sunday, June 20, up to 50 family units will be allowed to attend worship in the sanctuary. Pre-registration, distancing and masking will be required. Detailed instructions are outlined below. 

This will be the start of dual-platform worship services, which will allow people to attend in person or on Zoom. Dual-platform services will be offered throughout the summer except for Sundays, June 27, July 25 and August 1, which will be Zoom only.    

The transition back to worship is very different than the transition back to religious education. Because our classrooms are small with inadequate ventilation and vaccines for children under 12 aren’t yet available, there will be no childcare or religious education during worship this summer. But we do want to see you! Join us on Friday, June 25 at 6:30pm  at Morgan’s Ice House in Canton for ice cream, fellowship and fun. Masks and distancing will be required. In late summer, look for announcements about outdoor religious education programs and a campfire gathering.  And keep checking the church website, Facebook page and YouTube Channel for faith engagement activities that can be done at home. 

We know this transition won’t be perfect, and our church will not be fully reopened until everyone is present. Thank you for your patience and grace throughout this process. In August, the Task Force will review practices and recommend changes to the Church Council for the fall. 


Look for a link to the pre-registration form every Wednesday in our weekly NEWS FOR UU. Click the link to complete the form for the upcoming Sunday worship service.

If you don’t have internet access, you can call the church at 315-386-2498 between 7 p.m. on Wednesday  and noon on Friday to leave a message to register for in-person Sunday worship. Include your name, phone number and the number if people in your family unit. Church staff will complete the online form for you, so your names will appear on the ushers’ list on Sunday.

Registration is first come, first served. You will only be contacted if we can’t accommodate your registration.


  • Pre-registration is required because space is limited to 50 family units.
  • Ushers will verify the registrations on Sunday and guide people into the sanctuary.
  • Vaccinated ministers, singers, and worship leaders will be unmasked during service.
  • Singers and musicians will be 12 feet away from others.
  • Congregants will not be allowed to sing – but we welcome your humming!
  • The following hygiene practices will be observed:
    • No handshaking or hugging.
    • Maintain 6 feet of distance between family units in church pews.
    • Everybody 2 years old and older will wear masks at all times.
    • Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances and exits.
  • Stationary offering baskets will be near the exits.  
  • Cards to express Joys and Sorrows will be provided and collected by ushers. 
  • There will be no Social Hour, but we welcome you to visit outside the church after worship.

So these are the basics!  If you’re interested in more details and background about reopening and all the planning that has gone into it, click the links below.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or 315-386-2498.

Links to More Background Information:

Find the full path forward plan which was created by our Re-Opening Task Force here.

Feeling nostalgic? We created a timeline to illustrate all all that has happened throughout the past 15 months in our church.

Read a touching reflection from Jim Williams regarding our re-opening process.