Building Use Protocols 9.2020

September 2020

Church Council has approved limited use of the church building for small groups of congregants, with the understanding that the following safety measures are followed:

  • All meetings must have prior approval and be scheduled on the calendar
  • Groups are limited to no more than 10 people
  • All attendees must sign in on arrival at the church
  • Hand sanitizer should be used when entering the building
  • Masks are required
  • A 6’ distance must be maintained
  • No shared food is allowed
  • When meetings are finished, attendees should use available sanitizing wipes to clean surfaces that were touched.
  • There will be a minimum of 3 hours time between any group meetings 

Thank you in advance for helping us to maintain a safe space for meetings. It is our hope that with these measures we will be able to provide more opportunities for people to connect.